Semester of Creation
Spring 3-19-2024
Submission Type
Professor Name
Míshra Shuchi
Course Number
Course Title
Illustration 1
Description of Work
I listen to Indie/Indie Rock/Indie Alternative music, so based off of some of the covers from the songs in my playlist, I decided to use similar colors and compositions.
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Description of Assignment
For this project, you have been given the task to design the vinyl cover of your playlist. Here's how you will approach this: 1. Make your playlist with a general theme in mind like: lounge, party, coffee shop, relaxing music 2. Think of the artists you'd like to include in your playlist (they have to belong to a genre type) 3. Next sketch out the album art (vinyl cover design) for two artists out of that playlist. Keep a moodboard at hand too 4. In the class, based on critique, you'll pick out one sketch to finalize Keep typography in mind.