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Page 122 from the Parish Register of Saint Paul’s Church for 1864, showing the baptismal records for Rose "(colored)," a daughter born to Cyrus and Mary, both persons enslaved by Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, who is serving as baptismal sponsor. Two rows below is the baptismal record for Elisa Jane Beard "(colored)," daughter of Thomas P. and Carolina Beard, who were free persons of color. In 1868, Thomas P. Beard would become the first African American from Augusta, Georgia, to be elected to the Georgia House of Representatives.
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Page 88 of the Pandora volume LXXXIV 1970 (page 92 of the pdf). Photograph of African American students at the University of Georgia, and part of a printed letter to Robert Benham, president of the Black Student Union at the University of Georgia, from Frederick C. Davison, president of the University of Georgia, addressing the student organization's declaration of a moratorium on white racism.
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Augusta State Hospital Complex [Floor plan - first floor].
Page 122 from the Parish Register of Saint Paul’s Church for 1864, showing the baptismal records for Rose "(colored)," a daughter born to Cyrus and Mary, both persons enslaved by Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, who is serving as baptismal sponsor. Two rows below is the baptismal record for Elisa Jane Beard "(colored)," daughter of Thomas P. and Carolina Beard, who were free persons of color. In 1868, Thomas P. Beard would become the first African American from Augusta, Georgia, to be elected to the Georgia House of Representatives.
dlg_pandora_pand1970_p92.png (1710 kB)
Page 88 of the Pandora volume LXXXIV 1970 (page 92 of the pdf). Photograph of African American students at the University of Georgia, and part of a printed letter to Robert Benham, president of the Black Student Union at the University of Georgia, from Frederick C. Davison, president of the University of Georgia, addressing the student organization's declaration of a moratorium on white racism.
gkj_gead_augusta-005-00001.jpg (3266 kB)
Augusta State Hospital Complex [Floor plan - first floor].