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To ascertain the use of e-books and e-book readers in academic libraries, a study was conducted by Judith Brook of Mercer University and Anne A. Salter of Oglethorpe University. The study was conducted during the period March through May of 2010. The target audience for the web based Survey Monkey study consisted of library professionals, rare book and history of the book academics, library staff and students. Participants were contacted through eight listservs. This survey was unique because of its focus on a wider variety of library related professionals and on policies that govern the use of e-books and e-book readers. The results indicated a lack of policies, underutilization of statistics, and absence of uniformity in reporting statistical data. The use of e-books is increasing and the related attitudes toward their uses are positive. E-readers were underutilized and plans to incorporate them at the time of this survey indicated a lack of interest. In light of the development and consequent sales of many quality electronic tablets such as the Apple iPad, Kindle Fire, or Sony, the authors realize that a new survey and further study would be useful.