2.09 December 2009 Financial Services Newsletter
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December 2009 Newsletter for Financial Services
Table of Contents:
In this issue:
* From the Desk of Dr. Roy
ASaP (Auxiliary Services and Programs):
* Educating on Tax Credit
* Bookstore Expansion
* Faculty/Staff Appreciation
* Careful with Your Card!
* Culinary Cram Jam
* Holiday Parking Schedule
* Holiday Mailing Tips
Budget & Planning:
* Budget Update
Business Services:
* Announcing: Direct Deposit!
* State Financial Audit
* Mandatory Student Fee 2010
* Travel Tips
* Estimate Purchasing Needs
* How do I buy furniture?
* Surplus or Junk?
* TouchNet Payment at Bursar
* Contracts & Procurement
* P-Card Grant Purchases
* December P-Card Dates
* What's Up in Procurement?
Card Services:
* Spring Orientations
* New Affiliation for ID Cards
* Marketplace News
PMO (Project Management Office):
* Red Flags Rule Update
Also this month:
* Meet this Auburn girl from "L.A.", Procurement Manager Erin Wolfe
* Get to know this rock-n-roll mail carrier, Colleen Hyser
Guest Columns:
* Global Perspectives on the Roller Coaster of Modern Life, by Dr. Michele Zebich-Knos
* False Alarms, by Jenny Sadre-Orafai