4.08 September 2011 Financial Services Newsletter
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Publication Date
In This Issue:
* From the Desk of Dr. Ashok Roy
* Rai's Stock Selection
* Index for this Issue
* Free SAUPO Public Lecture
* Feed the Future
Budget & Planning:
* FY12 Budget
Business Services:
* Awards, Gifts, Prizes
* Durbin Amendment
* ePro...It's Here!
* Fall 2011 Payment Deadlines
* Fall 2011 Student Refunds
* GASB New Statements
* I"Concur" Travel Management
* Lecture, Performer, Service Agreements
* Moody's 2011 Higher Ed Outlook
* What's Up in Procurement!
Card Services:
* CardServices Statistics
* Marketplace
* Group Dynamics & Project Teams
* Higher Ed IT Services
Also This Month:
* Introducing Loretta Beasley
Guest Column:
*The Dilemmas Confronting an Engaged University, by Raj Veliyath, Ph.D.