A micro approach to a macro problem: One agency’s approach to domestic violence


Social Work and Human Services

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The statistics that surround domestic violence and its impact on society are disquieting and family violence continues to rise at an alarming rate. Simply put, domestic violence is a significant public health problem in this country. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), more than ten million adults experience domestic violence annually, one in four females experience intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime, and from 2016 to 2018, the number of IPV victimizations in the U.S. increased 42.7%. Although there have been numerous federal and state mandates, policies, laws, and monies designated to help mitigate domestic violence, it continues to rise and gravely impact society as a whole. This paper shares how one domestic violence agency has taken a micro approach to a macro problem in its work with survivors and their families over the course of 30+ years. It will delve into how it best serves women and children as they begin a journey of healing and a restart to their new lives, one that aims to be free of violence. It examines the approach the agency uses through a plethora of community resources and education. Finally, the authors will share the agency’s collaborative approach with community, school, and other stakeholders, best practices surrounding supportive services and housing, and conclude with reflective lessons learned over time.

Journal Title

Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody and Child Development

Journal ISSN


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

