Physical education in the COVID era: Considerations for online program delivery using the comprehensive school physical activity program framework

Collin A. Webster, University of South Carolina
Emily D'Agostino, Duke University
Mark Urtel, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Jaimie McMullen, University Northern Colorado
Brian Culp, Kennesaw State University
Cate A. Egan Loiacono, University of Idaho
Chad Killian, Georgia State University


In the wake of COVID-19, online physical education (OLPE) has become essential to the sustainability of school physical education programs. The purpose of this article is to consider factors that may be influential in efforts to deliver OLPE to students. The comprehensive school physical activity program model is used to frame a multicomponent conceptualization of OLPE and its goals and outcomes. Central to this framing is the intersectionality of school physical education, the family, and the community. This article provides a platform for physical education teacher educators and researchers to advance OLPE in its support of both the educational and public health benefits of high-quality physical education programs.