The Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE)

Michelle E. Forsythe, Texas State University
Brett A. Criswell, West Chester University
Anna Maria Arias, Kennesaw State University
Joshua A. Ellis, Florida International University
Lawrence Escalada, University of Northern Iowa
Heather J. Johnson, Vanderbilt University
Amy B. Palmeri, Vanderbilt University
Jessica Riccio, Columbia University
Margaret E. Parker, Illinois State University


Engaging preservice teachers in the analysis of videos of teaching has become a widely-used and highly-regarded approach within teacher preparation. This approach has become even more pronounced in the wake of COVID-19. Despite the myriad ways that video can support teacher preparation, uncertainties remain regarding how to design and facilitate productive video tasks. This paper reviews existing frameworks to guide the use of video tasks. It then introduces and describes the Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE) to highlight important decision points regarding the implementation of video tasks for teacher educators. Further this paper discusses how the FAVSTE connects to and expands on existing frameworks. Finally, the paper provides two examples to illustrate its use so that it might support teacher educators in maximizing the effectiveness of video analysis/reflection tasks.