Assessment of the energy recovery potential of waste photovoltaic (PV) modules
Green Technology, a sustainable technology is being proposed to fulfill the complete energy need for a building that can be generated by the building itself. To meet the complete energy demand for a building, the domestic biowaste including human feces is suggested to executed into converting process in situ where separated sludge is be collected into an anaerobic shut tank bioreactor (BR) into the basement. Thereafter, it has been facilitated to form biogas (CH4) by the process of methanogenesis to convert biogas into electricity energy which has been calculated as 1.4 eV/moles. Since the 0.4 kg biowaste can produce 81 mole biogas, thus, the total electricity generation from 0.4kg biowaste equivalent to 1.4 × 81 = 113.4 eV. Here the 1.4eV is equal to 27.77 kWT, thus, the total electricity energy production is being calculated (27.77 kW × 81) = 2249.37 kW • eV per day. Since a standard commercial building (length 20m × width 20m × height 20m) consume roughly 2, 200 kWh/day, thus, the 0.4kg/day biowaste is sufficiently enough to meet total energy demand for this size building. Simply, implementation of this technology indeed would be an inventive field of science where a building can form electricity by itself to complete its total energy need without any connection with the utility authorities, which is benevolent to theenvironment.