
Michelle Lee

Semester of Creation


Submission Type


Professor Name

Dr. Brandi Bradley

Course Number


Course Title

Composition I

Description of Work

The unofficial food of the Chinese New Year is niángāo. Food is an important part of the Chinese New Year as it shows not only the cultures but also the values that certain groups within uphold. Niángāo is significant in its own ways as it’s considered a “lucky food”. It is considered a delicacy and symbolizes prosperity for the upcoming years.

Description of Assignment

Abstract for The Geographical Area Unofficial but Should Be Official Argument Geographical areas have things they specialize in or are known for. Students were asked to select something from their hometown (either birth home, current home, or aspirational home) and build an argument establishing that what they selected is the unofficial icon of that hometown. Students used the Toulmin Style for their arguments and based them on their own insights as residents of that geographical area. The purpose of the assignment was to ask students to pay attention to the space that shaped them and understand what makes it special.



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