Date of Submission
Spring 4-29-2019
Project Type
Senior Design
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Committee Chair/First Advisor
Dr. Adeel Khalid
This design project is in response to an AIAA RFP (Request-For-Proposal) to build a compact, durable, non-hinged solar array to be deployed from a spacecraft on its way from the Earth to Mars. The solar array structures are used to provide the continual supply of power to operate onboard equipment. A large array will be required but must fit within the fairing of the launch vehicle. Origami principles will be utilized to fit the given constrained stored volume of 10 cm3 while satisfying the power requirements and avoiding structural complications due to tight folds.
PDF of PowerPoint Presentation
AE Poster Board.pdf (1757 kB)
Poster Board Presentation
ISYE_4803_SOLMATES_FINAL_VIDEO.mp4 (294710 kB)
AE Poster Board.pptx (4295 kB)
FDR- G13 Deployable Solar Structure Presentation.pptx (361633 kB)
FDR- G13 Deployable Solar Structure.docx (3226 kB)