Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership


Department of Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Nicholas Clegorne

Second Advisor

Dr. Albert Jimenez

Third Advisor

Dr. Chinasa Elue


Gifted students, characterized by exceptional intellectual abilities and unique learning needs, often find themselves navigating an educational landscape that may not fully cater to their specific requirements. Traditional teaching methods may fall short of engaging and challenging these students to realize their full potential. This dissertation delves into the efficacy of instructional conversations as an innovative pedagogical approach tailored to the distinctive learning profiles of gifted students. Through a comprehensive examination of relevant literature, theoretical frameworks, and empirical evidence, this study seeks to illuminate the impact of instructional conversations on the academic, social, and emotional development of gifted learners.

The rationale behind this research lies in the recognition of the multifaceted nature of giftedness, acknowledging not only cognitive prowess but also socio-emotional dimensions. Instructional conversations, characterized by dynamic, open-ended dialogues between educators and students, are posited as a method that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and deeper understanding, aligning with the cognitive demands of gifted learners. Moreover, the interactive nature of instructional conversations is anticipated to address the socio-emotional needs of gifted students by creating an environment conducive to meaningful connections and a sense of intellectual belonging.

This dissertation employs a qualitative research design with a qualitative analysis of teacher perceptions as measured across multiple data sets. By examining the experiences of educators, the study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how instructional conversations contribute to the academic enrichment and holistic development of gifted students. Ultimately, this research aspires to inform educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders about the potential of instructional conversations in creating tailored and enriching learning experiences for gifted students.
