Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary and Middle Grades History Education


Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Randy Patton

Second Advisor

Dr. Mei-Lin Chang

Third Advisor

Dr. Caroline Connor

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Tom Okie


Public schools, and education in general, were founded on the principles of preparing young people to participate in civic life as active and informed citizens. Yet, civic competency scores are consistently low and demonstrate that students are not prepared for the civic engagement required of them when they leave school. The purpose of this quasi-experimental mixed methods study is to determine if participation in simulations and utilizing experiential learning theory while teaching the government standards will lead to a greater understanding of civics, and a positive improvement in students’ beliefs and values regarding civic engagement beyond the classroom. While the study provides depth and texture to the existing body of research, it was ultimately inconclusive as to the effectiveness of legislative assembly simulations on civic knowledge and attitudes, as measured by civic beliefs and values.
