Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology


School of Instructional Technology and Innovation

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Jabari Cain

Second Advisor

Dr. Jim Wright

Third Advisor

Dr. Tiffany Roman


The purpose of this qualitative collective case study was to understand parents’/caregivers’ experiences as supporters of their elementary-aged children’s use of school-based technology at home. Research questions of this case study focused on the experiences, perceptions and needs of parents/caregivers within their support of school-based technology. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted, along with digital document collection, and a focus group interview. Transcripts for each interview and the focus group were analyzed as a means of establishing parents’/caregivers’ unique experiences, their perceptions of their ability to support the use of school-based technology, and the needs they required to be successful within their support. This study was framed within the theories of self-efficacy, social cognitive theory, and the Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler Model of the Parent Involvement Process. Findings in this study indicate that parents/caregivers showcase various behaviors and experiences that influence their abilities to support digital learning at home. Parents also possessed a strong sense of awareness of the need to strengthen their digital parenting skillsets to ensure their children are appropriately prepared to function in a technologically driven society. The findings in this study are valuable as they contribute to research showcasing the experiences of being a digital parent. To further this research, this study suggests the development of parent instructional technology coaching programs focused on personalized coaching support along with the development of guidelines for parents to appropriately leverage school-based technology at home.

Keywords: school-based technology, parental support, parent perception, parental involvement, self-efficacy, parent experience, digital parent, digital learning
