Date of Submission

Fall 12-12-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)


Computer Science

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Tu N. Nguyen



Quantum computing


Dr. Yong Pei

Committee Member

Dr. Ahyoung Lee

Committee Member

Dr. Linh Le


Quantum computing aims to tackle computationally intricate problems that are infeasible for classical computers. However, as quantum processors improve in scaling their sizes, their complexity also increases. Due to this complexity, there is a significant detrimental effect of quantum noise i.e., quantum crosstalk between qubits becoming inevitable. Quantum crosstalk arises when the operations on one qubit unintentionally affect neighboring qubits, leading to errors in gate fidelity and quantum computations. This phenomenon poses a major obstacle to the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computers. In this paper, we proposed a partial gate decomposition (PGD) method, which involves dissecting CNOT gates into sequences of Hadamard and CZ gates. By decomposing partially and aligning their order of execution facilitates better control over the quantum circuit in terms of fidelity and reduces crosstalk-prone error without increasing the decoherence. Mitigating quantum crosstalk is crucial for advancing quantum computing towards practical applications. We assessed the dataset which is employed with 15 quantum benchmark circuits of varying complexities to evaluate the effectiveness of the Partial Gate Decomposition Method on the IBM Kolkata NISQ device. The results offer a promising approach to address this challenge, paving the way for more reliable and scalable quantum computers.

Available for download on Sunday, December 10, 2028
