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25-4-2024 4:00 PM


Birding with Buddy is an educational and entertaining immersive virtual 3D low-poly birdwatching to be experienced at the Carter Lake Nature Center to enable kids to embark on a quest to learn more about birds. Buddy the Beaver guides the user through different terrain types to identify diverse bird species with sounds. Integrate a bird identification system where players click on the binocular icon to switch to a binocular view. In this view, players can choose to Identify (multiple-choice) the correct bird, Hear the Call Again, or Consult a Field Guide. Featuring flippable pages with images and notable markings of different bird species. Allow players to consult the guide for additional information.


Apr 25th, 4:00 PM

UC-48 Birding With Buddy


Birding with Buddy is an educational and entertaining immersive virtual 3D low-poly birdwatching to be experienced at the Carter Lake Nature Center to enable kids to embark on a quest to learn more about birds. Buddy the Beaver guides the user through different terrain types to identify diverse bird species with sounds. Integrate a bird identification system where players click on the binocular icon to switch to a binocular view. In this view, players can choose to Identify (multiple-choice) the correct bird, Hear the Call Again, or Consult a Field Guide. Featuring flippable pages with images and notable markings of different bird species. Allow players to consult the guide for additional information.
