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25-4-2024 4:00 PM


In many urban areas, public transportation systems frequently fail to fulfill passenger demand, causing aggravation owing to a lack of real-time information about bus locations, timetables and delays. Outdated ticketing processes, which are labor-intensive and prone to mistakes, compound the annoyance by failing to match current travelers' expectations. Furthermore, transportation operators encounter difficulties with fleet management, route optimisation, and issue response due to a lack of comprehensive data analytics. Reliable monitoring systems are required to prioritize passenger and bus safety, and achieving sustainability targets necessitates efficient operations to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. A scalable and customizable cloud-based bus tracking and ticketing system is critical for addressing these difficulties and improving the entire public transit experience.


Apr 25th, 4:00 PM

GMR-45 Cloud Based Bus Tracking and Ticketing System


In many urban areas, public transportation systems frequently fail to fulfill passenger demand, causing aggravation owing to a lack of real-time information about bus locations, timetables and delays. Outdated ticketing processes, which are labor-intensive and prone to mistakes, compound the annoyance by failing to match current travelers' expectations. Furthermore, transportation operators encounter difficulties with fleet management, route optimisation, and issue response due to a lack of comprehensive data analytics. Reliable monitoring systems are required to prioritize passenger and bus safety, and achieving sustainability targets necessitates efficient operations to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. A scalable and customizable cloud-based bus tracking and ticketing system is critical for addressing these difficulties and improving the entire public transit experience.