DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - C-Day Computing Showcase: GPR-148 A study of different real-time robotic applications


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Yongshuai WuFollow


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Start Date

19-11-2024 4:00 PM


Real-time operating systems (RTOS) are widely used in various robotic applications such as path planning and obstacle avoidance, which require real-time communication and interaction with the environment, posing significant challenges for RTOS design.In this paper, we will first explore different robotic control and decision-making applications based on RTOS. Then, we will study the implementations of several widely employed RTOS frameworks. Finally, we will analyze how different RTOS implementations impact overall system performance and discuss the advantages and limitations of these RTOS frameworks based on previous research.


Nov 19th, 4:00 PM

GPR-148 A study of different real-time robotic applications

Real-time operating systems (RTOS) are widely used in various robotic applications such as path planning and obstacle avoidance, which require real-time communication and interaction with the environment, posing significant challenges for RTOS design.In this paper, we will first explore different robotic control and decision-making applications based on RTOS. Then, we will study the implementations of several widely employed RTOS frameworks. Finally, we will analyze how different RTOS implementations impact overall system performance and discuss the advantages and limitations of these RTOS frameworks based on previous research.