Streaming Media

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1-12-2022 5:00 PM


Spotify’s yearly wrapped report is extremely popular amongst its users. Unfortunately users must wait a year from every report to view statistics about their listening habits. Our app will allow users to generate reports displaying their top songs and artists whenever they want. Additionally, our app will allow users to generate recommendations for new music based on their favorite songs/artists. Users will also be able to generate advanced recommendations by inputting custom artists/genres/songs and customizing a variety of parameters such as the recommended song’s tempo, loudness, and danceability. Our app will give Spotify users the freedom to view statistics regarding their listening habits whenever they want. Additionally, users will never run out of new music to listen to due to the custom song recommendation feature of our app.


Dec 1st, 5:00 PM

UC-246 Spudify

Spotify’s yearly wrapped report is extremely popular amongst its users. Unfortunately users must wait a year from every report to view statistics about their listening habits. Our app will allow users to generate reports displaying their top songs and artists whenever they want. Additionally, our app will allow users to generate recommendations for new music based on their favorite songs/artists. Users will also be able to generate advanced recommendations by inputting custom artists/genres/songs and customizing a variety of parameters such as the recommended song’s tempo, loudness, and danceability. Our app will give Spotify users the freedom to view statistics regarding their listening habits whenever they want. Additionally, users will never run out of new music to listen to due to the custom song recommendation feature of our app.