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30-11-2023 4:00 PM


Sudoku is a fun game that challenges our brain to think logically. It only has numbers from 1 to 9 in a 9x9 matrix network where the nine numbers should not be repeated in the same column, row or each 3x3 submatrix. Although there are numerous methods to solve this problem, the most common method is the backtracking algorithm. So, we are using brute force algorithm to solve sudoku and then compare it with backtracking to ensure which algorithm gives best results.


Nov 30th, 4:00 PM

GR-461 Sudoku solver using brute force algorithm with backtracking approach


Sudoku is a fun game that challenges our brain to think logically. It only has numbers from 1 to 9 in a 9x9 matrix network where the nine numbers should not be repeated in the same column, row or each 3x3 submatrix. Although there are numerous methods to solve this problem, the most common method is the backtracking algorithm. So, we are using brute force algorithm to solve sudoku and then compare it with backtracking to ensure which algorithm gives best results.