

Streaming Media

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30-11-2023 4:00 PM


Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) modeling, when paired with Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units, has demonstrated significant potential in developing conversational chatbot capable of participating in text-based conversation and providing human-like responses.The Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus will be used to extract dialogues, preprocess the data, and then use the output to train the Seq2Seq model. Our contributions include exploring the application of LSTM for Natural Language Generation (NLG) and creating a comprehensive chatbot system. According to the results of the experiment, our method works well for coming up with thoughtful answers during a conversation.


Nov 30th, 4:00 PM

GR-515 Developing a Conversational Chatbot using Seq2Seq Model with TensorFlow


Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) modeling, when paired with Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units, has demonstrated significant potential in developing conversational chatbot capable of participating in text-based conversation and providing human-like responses.The Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus will be used to extract dialogues, preprocess the data, and then use the output to train the Seq2Seq model. Our contributions include exploring the application of LSTM for Natural Language Generation (NLG) and creating a comprehensive chatbot system. According to the results of the experiment, our method works well for coming up with thoughtful answers during a conversation.