DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - KSU Proceedings on Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice: Quantum Computing: Computing of the Future Made Reality


Abstract—Quantum computing is an emerging new area focused on technology consisting of quantum theory aspects such as electrons, sub-atomic particles, and other materials engineered using quantum mechanics. Through quantum mechanics, these computers can solve problems that classical computers deem too complex. Today the closest computing technology compared to quantum computers are supercomputers, but similarly to classical computers, supercomputers also have faults. With supercomputers, when a problem is deemed too complex, it is due to the classical machinery components within the computer, thus causing a halt in solving the task or problem. In contrast, these problems could be solved with a quantum computer due to the advancements in engineered materials based on quantum mechanics. Apart from the hardware that enables a quantum computer to function more intelligently, the software developed for these computers can also show tremendous improvements in certain aspects, such as cryptography. This research examines quantum computing from its origins and details how the computer runs, its faults and limitations, ways to protect from quantum computing attacks, and demonstrates what programming a quantum computer would entail.





Quantum Computing: Computing of the Future Made Reality

Abstract—Quantum computing is an emerging new area focused on technology consisting of quantum theory aspects such as electrons, sub-atomic particles, and other materials engineered using quantum mechanics. Through quantum mechanics, these computers can solve problems that classical computers deem too complex. Today the closest computing technology compared to quantum computers are supercomputers, but similarly to classical computers, supercomputers also have faults. With supercomputers, when a problem is deemed too complex, it is due to the classical machinery components within the computer, thus causing a halt in solving the task or problem. In contrast, these problems could be solved with a quantum computer due to the advancements in engineered materials based on quantum mechanics. Apart from the hardware that enables a quantum computer to function more intelligently, the software developed for these computers can also show tremendous improvements in certain aspects, such as cryptography. This research examines quantum computing from its origins and details how the computer runs, its faults and limitations, ways to protect from quantum computing attacks, and demonstrates what programming a quantum computer would entail.


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