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Friday, October 11th
9:00 AM

Preparing for Tomorrow by Looking at Yesterday

Peter Dooley, InterContinental Hotels Group PLC

KSUC 300

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Why do we learn? Why do we study history? Why do we research the work of others? The answer is that there is value today in what was already learned and experienced, successes and failures. Mr. Dooley, a 25-year security professional and 20-year hospitality executive, will share his experiences and how our history in security will help us in thinking about our future.

10:15 AM

Internet Core Functions: Security Today and Future State

Jeffrey Jones

KSUC 300

10:15 AM - 11:05 AM

Never in the history of the world has so much trust been given to something that so few understand. Jeff reviews three core functions of the Internet along with recent and upcoming changes that will impact security and the world.

11:15 AM

Evasion Techniques

Tim Cullen, Adapture

KSUC 300

11:15 AM - 12:05 PM

This timely topic illustrates how the industry is evolving and continues to play catchup at the vendor level. We have to understand the tactics and focus of our adversary so that we can think beyond the tools and help develop proactive measures.

1:00 PM

Panel Discussion

Ward Pyles

KSUC 300

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

Panel Discussion on "Cybersecurity Education: The Quest to Building Bridge Skills"

2:00 PM

Information Security and Privacy Awareness

Wes Rhea, Kennesaw State University

KSU Center Room 300

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

This session will focus on:

  • The fundamental foundation of establishing a solid information security, privacy and cyber security awareness program.
  • The importance of end user information security and privacy training for business and technical employees.
  • The rise in phishing attempts on individuals and organizations.
  • The importance of understanding local, state and federal privacy laws.

3:00 PM

It's 3:00 on a Friday, What Could POSSIBLY Go Wrong?

Phillip Mahan

KSUC 300

3:00 PM - 3:50 PM

3:00 on a Friday, when people are antsy and ready to go home to miss the traffic and get their weekend going. This is a prime time when mistakes happen. This presentation will take you on a journey, from 4:00 to 4:50 on a Friday, about the Human element, Security, and Communications for when that 'Oooops' moment occurs. One way to prepare tomorrow's Security Professionals is to let them know what we've lived through in the past and how to deal with the Duct Tape and Chicken wire that comprises most internal networks.