Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Ehsan Sheikholharam Mashhadi


In January, amidst one of Niger's most turbulent periods of socioeconomic and political unrest, I departed from the chaos-laden streets that had become scenes of collapse and despair. As an architecture student, compelled by the urgency of the situation, I embarked on a journey to explore the transformative potential of architecture in the face of such crisis.

From the bustling streets filled with the disheartened faces of the unemployed to the frontline confrontations between government forces and disillusioned inhabitants, the disarray of law and order paints a stark picture of societal fragmentation. Yet, amidst this turmoil lies an opportunity for renewal, where architecture serves as a catalyst for channeling collective positive energies and rebuilding hope.

Driven by the desire to contribute to meaningful societal change, my thesis project delves into the reconfiguration of public space as a catalyst for profound transformation. Departing from the chaotic landscapes I witnessed, I propose a prototype of social engagement that seeks to redefine the essence of democratic public spaces.

Built upon three conceptual pillars, my design project aims to empower communities through education and organization, emphasize local independent production, and provide space for political engagement. By intersecting these pillars, the project creates spaces where people can educate themselves, harness collective energies, and work towards a more sustainable democracy.

At its core, this project embodies the spirit of Antonio Gramsci's notion of hegemony, albeit with minimal scholarly discourse. It envisions architecture not merely as a physical construct, but as a dynamic force for social and political change, a platform for dialogue, empowerment, and collective action.

Moreover, the project draws upon the utopian procedures articulated by Lefebvre, particularly focusing on Spatial Practice, Representations of Space, and Spaces of Representation. With a special emphasis on the concept of "Droit à la Ville" (the right to the city), the project advocates for the participation of inhabitants in urban planning decisions, fostering a vision of urban self-management.

In conclusion, this thesis project is not just an academic endeavor, but a call to action, an invitation to reimagine the urban landscape of Niger and to forge a future where democracy flourishes, and the voices of the marginalized are heard. Through thoughtful design interventions, we have the power to shape a world where hope triumphs over despair, and where architecture becomes a beacon of resilience and renewal.

Included in

Architecture Commons
