Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Sang Pil Lee


This thesis aims to reimagine urban living in San Francisco through the design of a utopian megastructure that transcends traditional notions of architecture. Megastructures, a post-war architectural concept, consist of a big frame with modules that have a short-term life cycle. By integrating principles of inclusivity, adaptability, and community empowerment, the proposed megastructure serves as a spatial bridge, addressing the city's multifaceted socioeconomic challenges.

Drawing inspiration from architectural precedents such as the Metabolist movement, Fumihiko Maki, Ralph Wilcoxon, Kisho Kurokawa, and Archigram, the research emphasizes the significance of modular and adaptable structures that evolve over time, often disappearing when their purpose is fulfilled. This involves incorporating modular construction methods and technology integration to facilitate ongoing evolution within the built environment. Additionally, the megastructure aims to bridge the gap between the tech community and the homeless through a variety of programs. It incorporates storytelling and satirical narratives inspired by Superstudio to enrich the architectural form and encourage critical reflection on societal issues.

Through exploratory methods such as study models, collages, and diagrams, the thesis investigated various spatial configurations for the megastructure within San Francisco's urban context. Analysis of spatial explorations, volumetric compositions, and programmatic relationships informed the development of a cohesive and dynamic architectural form fostering social interaction and community integration.

By envisioning a spatial and social bridge that promotes inclusivity and community empowerment, this thesis seeks to encourage innovative perspectives in architectural discourse. It explores ways to utilize narratives to challenge conventional thinking and provoke critical reflection.

Included in

Architecture Commons
