Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Ermal Shpuza


Detroit, Michigan symbolizes the transformation that took place in cities across the American Rustbelt from major industrial centers to sparsely populated shrinking cities. Vacant lots now cover what once used to be a vibrant place of neighborhoods, factories, and schools. How do we intervene in such an urban context in order to stop the further decay of the city and bring back people, businesses and social life. The thesis focuses on the central part of downtown Detroit and proposes an urban design intervention centered around the concept of a greenway. I superimpose the analysis of the street network in the city with the vacant lots and weave a 11.34 miles loop around the center of the city that for most part connects vacant lots into a pathway that encourages walkability that is meant to restitch the remaining actives centers in the city. I demonstrate the feasibility of this proposal by designing the future development of a node at the intersection of the greenway with two major arterials. The project calls for the erection of a few public activities along the greenway followed by mixed used typology that brings together varies housing sizes and businesses. The success of the node is later replicated along the length of the greenway.

Included in

Architecture Commons
