Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Michael Carroll


The rise of carbon in our atmosphere is a leading cause of climate change, and one of the biggest threats to our planet. Though not the most toxic greenhouse gas, it is the most durable, therefore lingers much longer in our atmosphere. This leads to higher atmospheric temperatures, causing natural disasters such as melting ice caps, and rising sea levels which leads to displacement of people and loss of biodiversity. According to Architecture 2030 The global building industry emits 42% of the annual carbon emissions. I believe we need to take action as a part of the building industry to lower these numbers, and create a healthier environment. Decarbonization is defined as methods used to lower the carbon amount in the atmosphere. That relates to developing techniques and materials that will lower carbon production. This topic is something that is currently being researched by various architects and firms. The work of Alan Organschi supports the use of mass timber as a form of decarbonization, as well as projects, such as urban sequoia by SOM demonstrate the possibilities that mass timber and the building industry. My thesis aims to understand how mass timber can be a leading building material to lower carbon emissions and reduce existing carbon. My project will be in downtown East Point Georgia, as Georgia is the number one state for forestry in the US and is a leading timber and paper industry in the country. Atlanta has the highest percentage of tree canopy coverage of any major US city. With existing forestry conditions, and sustainable logging, Georgia could be a leader of mass timber. East Point has a central location to be an example site for promoting mass timber. My project is a demonstration pavilion which educates on the issues of carbon emissions, and to show how we can push the limits of mass timber construction. Some of my guiding questions are how does mass timber support decarbonization? How will the mass timber industry support East Point and Georgia? How can we push the limits and develop the use of mass timber to be more sustainable and flexible for the building industry?

Included in

Architecture Commons
