Date of Submission

Spring 5-9-2022

Degree Type

Undergraduate Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Ameen Farooq


From 1990 through 1996, we witness a significant shift within the city of Atlanta. In the Summer of 1996, the Olympics was hosted in Atlanta. Techwood Homes at the time, was the first large affordable housing project in that area. In 1991, there was an order for the demolishment of Techwood Homes. However, it wasn’t until 1995, when the Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) decided to begin demolition after waiting 4 years prior to the Olympics.

Several other large housing projects were demolished to make room for Olympic venues. This is where we see redevelopment. This is where we see a political gain in which led to a substantial amount of gentrification throughout the area. Statistics show that between the years of 1990 and 1996, over nearly 30,000 people were evicted and or displaced. There were also 9,000 illegal arrest made towards the homeless.

There’s a difference between equality and equity, it’s not the same. Here’s an example. There are 3 people of different heights that stand on the same box. The objective is to look over the fence. The first guy is tall, so he has no problem. The second guy is of medium statute, so the box helped him. The third guy was the shortest of them all and even with the box, he couldn’t see over the fence. You see everyone is given the same resources, however, there will always be people who have a disadvantage in which they cannot control. Equity is about making things right. In the process of repairing these things we run into policies that have unintended consequences, thus making it difficult.

What I propose is the “Outer Band”. This band will travel throughout the city and redefine the impact of gentrification. This can be achieved by design through equitable development, thus refining what affordable housing is. Here, we challenge the system of affordable housing and rebirth "cooperative living". Cooperative living stands on four principals which are equity, equality, diversity, and inclusion. These principals are a direct reflection of the spaces designed throughout this thesis. As a sustainable measure, co-op living also includes the implementation of policies. These policies help create opportunities, as well as provide the proper resources. Most importantly they offer a sense of protection. That protection not only symbolizes security, but in fact a change. A change that can redefine the impact of future development.
