Date of Submission

Spring 5-9-2022

Degree Type

Undergraduate Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Zamila Karimi

Secondary Advisor

M. Saleh Uddin


When a child comes to life without the guidance of a mother and a father, they are sentenced to grow up in places where they can’t perceive as “home”. A child being placed in a situation where they live without their parents is not the ideal location for self-development. According to research, there are 2 million children in Mozambique who are living without their biological parents, and they are forced to child labor (22%), early child marriage (48%), violence (33.3%), prostitution (22%), and early childbearing (52%) along with mental health issues. The primary school graduation rate in Mozambique is only 48%. There are thousands of children without an educational background and because of that, there are lots of uneducated orphans who have no purpose in life. Now the question is, “How can we protect some of these innocent children from these very possible threats and give them a purpose, along with an occupation in life?“ My thesis is concerned with how architecture, space, and nature can provide safety, shelter, entertainment, and a sense of belonging to a space to the orphan children in Maputo, Mozambique. The design I have brought to life will allow these children to feel at home and encounter with the environment , which is very important for their well-being and health. I will be creating an environment that encourages bodily engagement, playful sensory exploration, and a flawless connection to the surrounding natural environment. The project site is located in the city of Maputo, by the Indian Ocean. The site is surrounded by both environmental and developing urban settings. The age group I will be targeting in my thesis is orphans from 10-15 years old. The ultimate goal is to create an orphan village that will embrace the children and provide them a space where they call “home”.


Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.

Included in

Architecture Commons
