Date of Submission
Spring 5-7-2021
Degree Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Architecture
Committee Chair/First Advisor
Anthony Rizzuto Ph.D
This thesis explores the field of medical research for data to support the assertion that today’s coding standards are not performing in a way that fully addresses the needs of occupants of the built environment. This thesis will pull from the fields of psychology, physical medicine, and architecture to establish what current codes are, how they are deficient, and how they can be rectified, improved upon, or added if not already existing. The method used to establish the criteria of basic needs for healthy human function is established through understanding of how light, sound, and overall spatial quality effects the people using a space, and then criticizing the current code standards to show how they either do or do not satisfy the needs of occupants. The results of this thesis will be a suggested set of new or amended guidelines set forth for architects and designers to follow or consult when designing or reconditioning a structure to assess if it is doing the most for its occupant, and establishing new minimums of design to prevent the further construction of sub-par architecture. In conclusion, the findings of this thesis find the current state of code defined design minimums to be severely lacking in affording occupants high quality living spaces. Research indicates the field of architecture to be nearly twenty years behind the fields of psychology and physical medicine in terms of occupant care in residential typologies.