Date of Submission

Spring 5-7-2021

Degree Type

Undergraduate Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Saleh Uddin

Secondary Advisor

Zamila Karimi


This thesis explores two issues with one solution.

The first issue revolves around a large number of dying malls across America. While some still survive, others have become a deserted wasteland. It is reported that close to 2,000 stores will be closing in 2020. According to Business Insider, over 9,300 stores were closed in 2019, breaking the record of 2018, which was an estimated 8,000 stores.

The second issue involves large cities pushing the limits for population density. In cities such as Atlanta, Dallas, and Phoenix the rise in population cannot keep up with the current housing options provided in the city. According to the U.S. Census data, in a nine year period, Atlanta has garnered more than 730,000 new residents, thus making Atlanta “the fourth fastest-growing metro area in the nation.” With large malls located within a city or on the border of the city, the deserted mall can find a way to solve both these issues with one solution.

For this thesis, I have started my research through the exploration of different case studies, this has helped me understand and conduct both inductive and deductive research throughout this thesis. Using the ‘fourth fastest-growing metro area’ and the city I reside in (Atlanta, Ga) I have continued research and design on a mall located just seven miles from Downtown Atlanta. By achieving the goal of this project, a mall unfit for its original use, then successfully retrofitting into a growing landmark for the community around it will provide solutions to both the rise in “deserted wastelands” and an increase in population density in cities around America.

Included in

Architecture Commons
