Date of Submission

Spring 5-4-2020

Degree Type

Undergraduate Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Architecture



Committee Chair/First Advisor

Tim Frank


The first major architecture treatise written in the first century B.C. by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio defines three principles that constitute a work of architecture, namely firmness, utility, and delight. This thesis speculates on whether housing for the under-sheltered in the 21st century has focused disproportionately on two of the three values of the triad, falling short in providing delight to under-served populations. In turn, the thesis offers four pillars to the discourse on transitional housing that paves the way to expanding delight for these housing strategies to include safe community spaces, access to ample natural resources, securable quarters, and spatial customization. Together, these pillars are exercised through the design of a transitional housing project located in Los Angeles, California that would serve the Skid Row community, providing a new architectural beginning for this group, and in turn, social mobility through provisions of delight.

Included in

Architecture Commons
