Open Access Week 2020 | All Things Open

Open Access Week 2020

Open Access Week is an annual event that strives to advocate for the free and immediate online access to research articles worldwide. Members of Open Access Week planning committee create events on topics related to open access and can collaborate with others on an international scale. The topics presented during Open Access Week 2020 at KSU included:

  • Open Educational Resources and Affordable Learning Georgia
  • Tools used to find open access articles for research, as well as the different versions of open access publications
  • The Faculty Subvention Fund, its past recipients, and the application process
  • Open Access resources used by liaison librarians within their areas of instruction, outreach, and/or collection development

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Monday, October 19th
12:00 AM

OERs and Open Access: Connecting the Dots

Jeff Gallant
Tiffani Reardon

Microsoft Teams

12:00 AM

Tuesday, October 20th
12:00 PM

A Key in the Lock: Tools to Discover Open Access Resources

Rosemary B. Humphrey, Kennesaw State University

BB Collaborate

12:00 PM

Thursday, October 22nd
12:00 AM

Open Access in Action: A Panel Discussion

A. Carey Huddlestun, Kennesaw State University
Olga Koz, Kennesaw State University

Microsoft Teams

12:00 AM