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Zimbabwe is a landlocked Southern African country that formerly gained independence and statehood in 1980, ending ninety years of settler colonialism. The country has been under the US - EU sanctions since the turn of the millennium. There are diametrically opposing views with regards to the question of why sanctions were put in place in the first place. This study, however, does not dwell on the circumstances behind the imposition of economic sanctions but explores their impact on the generality of Zimbabweans and why they are categorised as a neo imperial tool. Neo-imperialism, also known as neo-colonialism, is a policy that seeks to perpetuate the domination of the previously colonised regions. The researcher employs the biblical lion - bear allegory to explore the impact of sanctions on developing countries in the context of Zimbabwe. The study used qualitative techniques of data collection and analysis. The implementation of the US- EU sanctions have made it very difficult for Zimbabwean businesses to operate both within Zimbabwe as well as with other foreign institutions. This has led to significant haemorrhage of the Zimbabwean economy, company closure and high levels of unemployment.


