

Morocco’s largest city, Casablanca, is expanding rapidly, but geotechnical characteristics related to the region’s subsoil are rarely taken into consideration during construction/building projects. Using field studies, along with a significant database established from civil-engineering work, this study focuses on the lithological and mechanical characterization/behavior of Casablanca’s subsoil in order to gain a clearer interpretation of Casablanca’s (sub)soil. Lithology maps and cross-sections show the variation of Quaternary cover thickness, which is controlled by the shape of the synclines and anticlines in the folded Paleozoic bedrock. The texture of surface soils was described by percentage of gravel, sand, silt, tuff, and clay, resulting in a low to medium plastic nature, with a plasticity index (PI) between 8% and 25%. Owing to the silty nature of soils, they will likely shrink and swell against any foundation, weakening it over time. This study’s analyses facilitate decision-making related to pre-construction locational choices through its identification of suitable areas for building or, if building in a less stable area, recognizing that some type of earthwork improvement should be constructed before any foundation is created. Otherwise, any construction in the Casablanca area will be at risk for foundational damages.

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