

Scholars from a variety of disciplines have analyzed voter participation, with most studies focusing on socio-demographic issues to explain turnout . Often overlooked, however, is the geography of voter participation . Omaha, Nebraska presents an economically and ethnically diverse study area to examine geographic factors related to turnout . Over 51 percent of the state’s registered voters live in three counties—Douglas, Sarpy, and Lancaster—which contain the Omaha and Lincoln metropolitan areas . This project employs Geographic Information Science (GIScience) along with electoral geography principles and spatial analysis to evaluate voter participation across the Omaha metropolitan area . Getis-Ord Gi* statistic is utilized to demonstrate statistically significant spatial clustering of high and low values of voter participation and turnout at the census block-group level . This study also examines a number of demographic variables through stepwise regression that help explain voting patterns in the Omaha metropolitan area . Results indicate that, independent of party affiliation, educated, middle-class, white populations in Omaha have higher voter participation rates

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