

As dams in the United States age and become obsolete and river restoration emerges as a new priority, dam removals have increased . Feasibility studies serve to detail the costs and benefits of such proposed dam removals; however, most do not consider intangibles such as the benefits derived from reconnecting seasonal fish habitat or improving the biological diversity within a river . In this research, a willingness-to-pay survey was used to assign a monetary value to intangible goods associated with the proposed removal of an historic dam on the Ashuelot River in southwestern New Hampshire . Within the town where the dam is located, we administered an intercept survey in order to document environmental, historic, and existence values associated with the dam . Results indicated that the environmental benefits of removing the dam, such as improving water quality and restoring fish populations, were highly valued by surrounding community members, while historic and existence values associated with keeping the dam were significantly lower . The results from this analysis provide further support for removal of this dam

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