"Principles of Glacial Geomorphology and Geology by I. Peter Martini, M" by C. Nicholas Raphael


"Principles of Glacial Geomorphology and Geology" is different from most glacier-related textbooks. The principal difference between this text and most others is the wider range of topics covered. As in most glacial texts, the book covers glaciology and glacial sediments and landforms. Close to half of this text, however, covers permafrost and periglacial processes, dating techniques, isostasy/eustasy, migration of biota dur - ing glacial cycles, and an extensive global history of glaciation. As a result, the most positive aspect of the book is that one can design a class, using one book, that covers almost any glacier-related topic. The negative aspect of the text, especially for an upper-level class, is that most topics are only briefly covered and other topics related to glaciology and glacial processes are not covered in much detail or are ignored altogether (such as supraglacial, englacial, and subglacial hydrology and surging glaciers).

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