"Projections and Perceptions The Geographic Information System: A View " by Roland F. Self


Much has been written and continues to be written regarding " Geographic Information Systems" or as it is commonly known " GIS." The acronym is bantered about with a belief that everyone has an equal understanding and awareness of exactly what it is. To some it is a technology or sophisticated software or as some definitions indicate, a GIS can " contain major components including data input, data storage and retrieval, data manipulation and analysis and data reporting subsystems." It can be "a management system which can collect, store and retrieve spatial data, identify locations meeting specific criteria, explore re lationships, analyze data for effective decision making, select and pass data to analytical models and display information." It is a system of computer hardware, software and procedures" to support capture, management, manipulation, analysis, " modullary" and display of "spatially" referenced data for solving complex planning and management problems."

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