"News from the Chapters 1998-1999" by C. Nicholas Raphael


The Eta Phi Chapter at the California State University at Hayward has been undergoing a process of revival. About two years ago, after 99 percent of its GTU members had graduated, a new group of geography students worked together to try to revive GTU on the Cal State Hayward campus. The current organization consists primarily of graduate students who are trying out a few ideas to breathe new life into the group. Eighteen new members have been initiated since the revival and the goal of the group is to initiate more undergraduate students during the 1999-2000 year. The Eta Phi Chapter of GTU has elected new officers and their positions will become active when the 1999-2000 academic year begins in September. The new officers are: President, Benjamin Sleeter; Vice President, Sarah Swanson; Secretary, Jennifer Ackerman, and Treasurer, Ronald Chan. Professor David J. Larson remains as the Faculty Sponsor.

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