Highlights of Activities (1995-1996): This year was packed full of travels, trials, and tribulations for the Alpha Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon. We had approximately 20 active members ofthe organization participating in numerous events. The fall semester started off to a cold, wet camping trip to the ever popular Turkey Run State Park in Indiana. We had a very successful 5th Annual White Elephant Auction, raising $190.00. The local Geography Bee and the State Bee brought in T-shirt sales of $600.00. We made a generous donation to a local charity from the profits we made this year. A new item that some of the members developed is our very own Alpha Chapter, GTU hat.
Recommended Citation
Raphael, C. Nicholas
"News from the Chapters 1995-1996,"
The Geographical Bulletin: Vol. 38:
2, Article 6.
Available at: