What an interesting and remarkable little book based on a very clever premiseto duplicate as closely as possible in 1991 the extensive photographic record of the 1923, Birdseye-USGS Expedition through the Grand Canyon. From the time of the first expedition through the Grand Canyon in 1868 by John Wesley Powell until 1923, only 29 explorers had endured the hardships of boat travel down the Colorado through the full length of the Canyon. A far greater number of climbers have reached the summit of Mt. Everest as of today! Are there many or even any places left on Earth today that could compare to the remoteness and danger ofthe depths of that Arizona canyon in 1923?
Recommended Citation
Cichanski, Allen
"The Canyon Revisited-A Rephotography of the Grand Canyon 1923/1991, by Donald l. Baars and Rex C. Buchanan,"
The Geographical Bulletin: Vol. 38:
1, Article 8.
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