"Grounding Walter Rodney in Critical Pedagogy" by Seneca Vaught


This essay attempts to address the dilemma of theory and praxis, what Freire referred to as “mere verbalism,” by examining one historical instance of critical pedagogy in history education. This essay argues that Walter Rodney’s curriculum, as detailed in his syllabi on “Historians and Revolutions” and "Groundings," helps educators better understand how to more effectively bridge the gap between a critical pedagogical theory and praxis in African history. Using Rodney as an example of a critical pedagogy theorist and practitioner, this essay explores how concerned historians (and those who use history as a basis for teaching) can traverse traditional disciplinary challenges to make history meaningful to diverse audiences.

Author Bio(s)

Assistant Professor of History and Interdisciplinary Studies at Kennesaw State University and Editor-in-Chief of Afro-Americans in New York Life and History.
