"Do the Clothes Make the (Fat) Woman: The Good and Bad of the Plus-Sized Clothing Industry" by Crystal N. Money


This paper focuses on the relationship between the “women of size” population and the sector of the fashion industry that aims to serve them. This research intends to determine if the fashion industry truly understands the plus-size audience, or if they are simply forgetting an entire audience. It is important to identify how women of size see themselves personally, as a community, and reflected in mass media as that is where most fashion inspiration is derived. The study encompasses three research methods: interviews with self-identified plus-size women; an ethnographic approach to examining the clothes shopping options of a woman of size in Atlanta, Georgia; and an analysis of the current literature and blogs on this topic. Identifying as a plus-size woman herself, the researcher has an obvious bias and commitment to this area of study. This study is the foundation for future works to be undertaken by the author concerning the plus-size body, public confidence, and breaking the normative taboos of society with the body.
