

Effective professional development remains a major focus for universities, educational agencies, school districts and educators. Successful staff development projects for educators provide long-range effects in which administrators, communities, universities, students and even parents eventually receive benefits. Quality professional development encompasses a wide range of opportunities for the purpose of enhancing educator performance and excellence. This article discusses the organization and implementation of a summit designed to target an audience of school media personnel. Additionally, the paper presents the organization and implementation of the summit. In the planning of any professional development activity, two equally important tasks emerge (1) developing the program and (2) selecting the targeted participants. The development of the program is based on the needs of the targeted audience; therefore, the targeted audience must be determined prior to the beginning of the planning process. Several additional factors are critical in the success of a staff development event. It is equally essential to have clear library administrative support of the project and have a wide-range of professional contacts for identifying and recruiting experts to facilitate sessions.

Publication Date

Spring 2007
