Department Chair: Dr. Dawn Baunach

The Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice offers courses that lead to undergraduate degrees in Sociology and Criminal Justice, as well as minors in Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Gerontology. Their goal is to prepare students to understand and deal with our contemporary world in terms of diversity, change, societal concerns for stability, and their implications locally and globally. SCJ graduates enter careers requiring technological facility, communication skills, data gathering and analysis, community awareness and involvement, problem- solving, critical thinking, an understanding of the structure and functioning of groups and organizations, greater awareness of their environments, critical self-reflection, and interpersonal and intercultural skills.

The department houses the official journal of the Georgia Sociological Association, the Journal of Public and Professional Sociology. The department also hosts an annual Suburban Conference focusing on suburbanites and the suburb as a dominant socio-cultural and political milieu.


Browse the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice Collections:

Master of Science in Criminal Justice Theses & (Pre-2016) Policy Research Projects

Sociology and Criminal Justice Faculty Publications