"Harper's Ferry Revisited: The Role of Congressional Staff Archivists i" by Faye Phillips

Publication Date

January 1988


The 1978 Conference on the Research Use and Disposition of Senators' Papers affirmed the value inherent in senatorial papers. In the years since the conference, archivists and senate staff have struggled with preservation and use questions relating to those papers. In a continuing effort to answer such questions, the Dirksen Congressional Center and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) sponsored a conference on congressional papers at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia in 1985. The final Congressional Papers Project Reportsummarizes the findings of the Harpers Ferry conference and makes recommendations to the NHPRC on funding congressional papers projects. Germane to the NHPRC recommendations are minimum standards for congressional collections and repositories which accept congressional collections. If followed, such recommendations "would improve substantially the preservation of Congress's record."



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