Bailey School of Music Concert Programs

Performance Date

Fall 9-10-2020


KSU Jazz Ensemble II

KSU Jazz Ensemble I


Wes Funderburk, KSU Jazz Ensemble II

Sam Skelton, KSU Jazz Ensemble I



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As we begin this Fall 2020 semester in the middle of a global pandemic, we are faced with numerous challenges in our day to day exchanges (or lack thereof) with each other. Once we add the task of making music as an ensemble to the mix, an entirely new set of obstacles appear. Live music, as we know it, has taken on a new look. The School of Music faculty and students spent the summer figuring how to remain relevant in a remote way in an art form that is typically the opposite of remote! Tonight’s “concert” is our first attempt at this new modality of delivering music to the public. All of the pieces you will hear this evening were recorded remotely and individually from the comforts of the student’s homes or dorms. This was also done to prepare our students for music making in the digital domain. We hope you enjoy this abbreviated program and please know that we can’t wait to see you all in person in Morgan Hall at the Bailey Performance Center!!!

Performance Season

20-21 Season

KSU Jazz Ensembles I & II
