Volume 1, Issue 1 (2017) Spring 2017
Part of our approach to this magazine includes the use of multimedia to deliver the different stories and profiles that will be featured throughout the issues. For the Spring 2017 Issue, we want to share a video profile of MAPW alumni, Arthur Harris.
As a businessman and former owner of Spa Sydell, Arthur Harris has always enjoyed writing. In 2011, he graduated from the MAPW at age 85. Having previously completed his undergraduate degree at KSU in English, Harris went on to pursue his master’s degree to focus on his love for creative writing. He completed “Love Everlasting,” a memoir about his love story with his wife, Sydell, as his graduating thesis. On November 3rd, 2016, Arthur Harris welcomed us into his home and spoke with current MAPW student, Daniel Lumpkin, about his time in the MAPW. We hope that this interview can shed some light on the kinds of relationships the MAPW cultivates among students, faculty, and alumni. The interview is featured in the video below:

- Managing Editor
- Estefany Palacio
- Senior Editor
- Tony Grooms
- Associate Editor
- Sergio Figueiredo