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In recent decades, Italy has found itself becoming a host to a tide of immigrants coming to its shores. Its earlier history with its own emigration seems to have done little to prepare it for the new arrivals, and the country has gradually become unwelcoming towards those seeking refuge. The Bossi-Fini legislation regulating immigration demonstrates the dismal view that politicians hold with regard to foreigners. This law has created a repressive environment for these people in which they are considered solely in terms of their economic value to the economy. They are welcomed as along as their presence serves a benefit towards the country, but as soon as their employment ends, they are immediately targeted for extradition. The opposition towards foreigners seems to be supported mainly by a small, vocal, right wing, since evidence has shown that the majority of Italians support humanitarian treatment towards their guests. Yet films likel’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio give a visual testimony of the isolation, the struggle, and the hostility that immigrants must still face while building for themselves a new life. Due to globalization, this ever shrinking world cannot escape the reality of immigration. Moreover, the ties of nationalism and patriotism that are at the heart of Western societies do not always hold true for foreigners or their offspring who often have no such identity. Only a reasonable approach towards immigrants can ensure a continued harmonious development, not only for Italy, but for the Western world.


